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This feature merges duplicate leads automatically.
Routing Rule uses predefined criteria for record assignments.
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Zenroute is a comprehensive lead data management solution designed to streamline and optimize lead processing within Salesforce.
Zenroute Setup
Configure admin permissions and user permissions, system admin settings for smooth deployment, and user management in the Zenroute application.
A dashboard serves as a graphical snapshot of an organization's data well-being, harnessing analytics and reporting tools to offer insightful visual representations.
Matching Rules
The matching rules significantly enhance data integrity by reducing duplicates and ensuring that records are accurately matched and merged.
Auto Merge And Mapping
Zenroute's 'Auto Merge and Mapping' capability automatically merges duplicate leads and maps fields, simplifying data management tasks and reducing manual efforts.
Mass Merging And Schedule Merging
The mass merging functionality helps users streamline their database by efficiently identifying and merging duplicate records in bulk.
Lead to Account Matching
The Lead-to-Account matching feature seamlessly links related Leads to their corresponding Accounts, driven by customizable Matching settings and prioritization rules.
Lead Conversion
Lead Conversion is the process of transforming potential customer leads into established contacts, associated accounts, and actionable opportunities.
Round Robin
Records with Round Robin assignments rotate among the available assignments based on the last assigned time, maintaining an equitable distribution.
Routing Rules
Routing Rule is a powerful feature designed to automatically assign lead, contact, and account records to specific users based on predefined criteria.
Live Claim
This feature allows leads (and other objects) assigned to a queue to be claimed by users through a popup.
Application Settings
Application Settings allow users to configure how the Zenroute application appears and behaves.