Application Settings
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Application Settings
What is Application Settings?
Application settings enable users to configure applications. It allows you to set up how the app appears and behaves.

Application Settings Introduction
In Zenroute, the application settings is used to configure the application and allows users to enable settings to perform operations.
In Application Settings, we have settings like:
Disable Lead Trigger: If checked, the lead trigger is disabled for any kind of lead operation. For performing any lead operation in Zenroute, this should be unchecked.
Disable Contact Trigger: If checked, the contact trigger is disabled for any kind of contact operation. For performing any contact operation in Zenroute, this should be unchecked.
Disable Account Trigger: If checked, the account trigger is disabled for any kind of account operation. For performing any account operation in Zenroute, this should be unchecked.
Enable Lead To Account Domain Matching: If checked, during any lead insert/update operation, the lead will get a matched account if the domain of both records matches.
Enable Lead To Account Name Matching: If checked, during any lead insert/update operation, the lead will get a matched account if the lead’s company matches the account’s name.
Enable Custom Merging: If checked, the Auto merge Zenroute process with custom rules will be enabled.
Application Settings UI

User Interface (UI) for Application Setting:
Initially, no settings exist. Users can click on the "Create" button to create a new setting.
Clicking on the "Create" button opens a modal for setting creation.

Clicking on the "Edit" button opens the same modal for editing existing settings.

Job Scheduler:
The Job Scheduler section facilitates utility operations such as deleting existing logs.
Users can specify the number of days from which logs will be deleted using a scheduled job. Default value is 30 days.
Clicking on the "Job Scheduler" link opens a section where users can enter the desired number of days to delete logs and set a Cron Expression for running utility batch jobs.

Clicking on the "Schedule Job" button enables users to schedule the job easily.
After scheduling, the "Abort Job" button appears, allowing users to delete the scheduled job if needed. The Cron job input field becomes disabled.
Clicking on the "Abort Job" button enables users to schedule the job again.