Mass Merging And Schedule Merging
About Mass Merging And Schedule Merging
The mass merging functionality is a key feature of the Zenroute Product developed by the esteemed team at Athenalogics. This functionality assists users in identifying duplicate records within the system and merging them in bulk.
We have designed a user-friendly interface for administrators to easily create rules for automating the identification of duplicate records based on specific criteria. This feature allows for the easy and accurate identification and merging of duplicate records, helping users manage their records more efficiently and saving valuable time and effort.
Navigating to the Mass Merging And Schedule Merging
To access the Mass Merging And Schedule Merging module, follow these steps:
Navigate to the Zenroute record in Salesforce.
Go to the Zenroute Side Panel.
Click on the "Mass Merging And Schedule Merging" detail for the desired information.