In Zenroute, we provide a dashboard that displays organization data in the form of statistics and charts. It allows users to see data filtered by any past date and includes a reload data feature.
The dashboard UI includes a reload button in the header to refresh statistics data. Top small cards display data counts for Converted Leads, Auto Merge Success/Failed, and Leads Assigned in a month through the Zenroute process.
The dashboard showcases Zenroute features and processes counts through statistics and charts, including:
Leads Converted Bar Chart:
The Leads Converted bar charts show how many leads are converted through the Zenroute Lead Conversion process in a month. The x-axis represents the date of lead conversion, and the y-axis represents the count of leads converted on that date.
Auto Merge Donut Chart:
An Auto Merge donut chart illustrates auto merging success and failure counts in the whole auto merge processed through Zenroute Auto Merge.
Lead Routing Rules Horizontal Bar Chart:
The Lead Routing Rules horizontal bar chart indicates which existing routing rule is assigned to how many leads. The x-axis displays the record count, and the y-axis shows the routing rule name.
Account Routing Rules Horizontal Bar Chart:
Similarly, the Account Routing Rules horizontal bar charts show the existing routing rule assigned to how many accounts. The x-axis shows the record count, and the y-axis shows the routing rule name.
Contact Routing Rules Horizontal Bar Chart:
Contact Routing Rules horizontal bar chart to show which existing routing rule is assigned to how many contacts. The x-axis shows the record count and y-axis shows the routing rule name.
Timeline Logs:
The timeline logs feature displays the ten most recent logs in a popup within the play log modal, showing their details. Users can refresh the logs using the refresh button located in the top right corner.
Each log entry includes a "Details" link that opens the log in the play modal.
Within the log detail modal, two buttons are available:
The "Play" button allows users to view the log in play mode step by step.
The "Copy to clipboard" button enables users to copy all the log details for pasting elsewhere.
Additionally, there is a "Log Details" link button that directs users to the Zenroute Logs report, where all logs can be viewed.