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How to Create Merge Rule

Last Modify: 

6 Nov 2024

The administrator will have to guide the system to understand the merging rule through a sequence of steps.

Step 1: Select Object

To create a merging rule, the first step is to select the object on which the rule will be applicable. The user gets options like Lead-to-Lead, Contact-to-Contact, and Lead-to-Contact.

The user can opt for any desired options based on his requirements, for example, if the user wants to set the merging rule for two fields (Lead & Contact) then the User will have to choose the Lead-to-Contact option.

Step 2: Rule Name

Here the user shall give the name to the merging rule that the user is creating. The size of the rule title cannot be more than 80 characters. It is recommended to users that the title be meaningful and easy to understand as this gives users ease to identify and find rules after creation.

Step 3: Add Criteria

After entering the rule title, the user will be prompted to add the criteria for merging. The user can set criteria or logic for merging here with the help of given options in the dropdown fields.

The user/ Administrators can use lead/contact fields and match criteria (exact match, one is blank, both blank) to create merging rules.

Exact Match: Both fields must have a value, and these values must be an exact match.

One is Blank: One of the fields must contain a value, while the other field must be blank.

Both are Blank: Both fields must be devoid of any value; they should be blank.

Also, the user can create more rules by clicking the “ + Add Row” button.

Moreover, the user can customize the conditions as desired.

Note: Email exact_match' will be established as the default condition for merging.

Step 4: Set Criteria Condition

Based on the criteria added in Step-3, the user here is provided with the options viz, 1. All of the conditions are met (AND-Logic) and 2 .customize logic

The User/ administrator can customize the logic for the criteria by selecting the customize logic option and by selecting the appropriate value in the field.  

Step 5: Map Object Fields

In the next step, the user or administrator proceeds to map object fields during the merging process. 

This step provides the flexibility to choose whether to include merge mapping for the field by selecting the source field and target field and then clicking on the map button to establish the field mapping.

Step-6 Merge Rule Status

Users can set the merge rule status by choosing to create it as a draft initially, which can later be activated or deactivated as needed.

Clicking 'Save Merge Rule' confirms the successful creation of the new rule.

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