Auto Merge And Mapping
The "Merging" tab offers a range of features:
The "Create Rule" button empowers administrators to craft new custom merging rules, enhancing data management flexibility.
The "Search Rules" input allows administrators to enter search terms, simplifying the process of filtering and finding relevant rules.
The input string is searched within the name field of the rules, ensuring efficient and accurate results.
Each rule will be displayed with the following details:
Created Date
Field name with the matching criteria
Object for Merging
Status (Active/Inactive)
Each Rule will have the following actionable:
Edit, will open a popup to edit the rule.
Delete, will open a popup for the user’s confirmation and perform the delete operation if permission is granted.
Every rule's name is clickable, triggering a modal that contains pre-filled values. This allows administrators to easily make necessary changes to the rule.